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Details for Component Intel Core i7-4700MQ
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Name Intel Core i7-4700MQ
Intel Intel
Average Speed 3.15GHz
Average Power 105.8W
Average Capacity 6CU
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Individual Results 427
Aggregated Results 3
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Aggregated Results
Local Rank Component Average Score Average Capacity Average Speed Power State Platform Operating System Popularity
#142 (>61.79%) #142 (>61.79%) Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel Core i7-4700MQ 18.89GOPS 8CU 3.23GHz58.8W Normal Virtualised Windows x64 12
#703 (>33.96%) #703 (>33.96%) Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel Core i7-4700MQ 4.59GOPS 1CU 3.19GHz58.8W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 3
#103 (>90.40%) #103 (>90.40%) Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel Core i7-4700MQ 20.17GOPS 8CU 3.02GHz200.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 1,094
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Individual Results
User Team Computer/Device Result ID Score Capacity Speed Power State Platform Operating System Created
Anonymous Anonymous World World Notebook W35xSTQ_370ST Notebook W35xSTQ_370ST Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (4C 8T 3.19GHz/3.4GHz, 3.2GHz IMC/3.4GHz, 4x 256kB L2, 6MB L3) 25.89GOPS 8CU 3.19GHz47.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 23 December 2014
Anonymous Anonymous World World HP ZBook 17 103C_5336AN G-N L-BUS B-HP S-ELI (HP 190A) HP ZBook 17 103C_5336AN G-N L-BUS B-HP S-ELI (HP 190A) Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (4C 8T 3.39GHz, 3.4GHz IMC, 4x 256kB L2, 6MB L3) 26.04GOPS 8CU 3.39GHz58.8W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 25 October 2015
Anonymous Anonymous World World HP ENVY TS m7 Notebook PC 103C_5335KV G-N L-CON B-HP S-ENV (HP 1966) HP ENVY TS m7 Notebook PC 103C_5335KV G-N L-CON B-HP S-ENV (HP 1966) Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (4C 8T 3.39GHz, 3.4GHz IMC, 4x 256kB L2, 6MB L3) 25.67GOPS 8CU 3.39GHz58.8W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 19 July 2015
Suppi Suppi World World Lenovo 20217 IDEAPAD (Lenovo VIQY0Y1) Lenovo 20217 IDEAPAD (Lenovo VIQY0Y1) Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (4C 8T 3.39GHz, 3.4GHz IMC, 4x 256kB L2, 6MB L3) 10.43GOPS 8CU 3.39GHz47.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 12 November 2014
Hering Hering World World MEDION X782X MEDION X782X Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (4C 8T 3.39GHz, 3.4GHz IMC/3.6GHz, 4x 256kB L2, 6MB L3) 26.00GOPS 8CU 3.39GHz47.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 11 January 2015
Andrew Pankonin Andrew Pankonin World World AlienWare (Dell) Alienware 18 103C_5335KV (AlienWare (Dell) 01W2J2) AlienWare (Dell) Alienware 18 103C_5335KV (AlienWare (Dell) 01W2J2) Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (4C 8T 3.39GHz, 3.4GHz IMC, 4x 256kB L2, 6MB L3) 26.86GOPS 8CU 3.39GHz47.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 6 December 2014
Suren Gourapura Suren Gourapura World World MSI GE60 2OC\2OD\2OE (MSI MS-16GC) MSI GE60 2OC\2OD\2OE (MSI MS-16GC) Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (4C 8T 3.39GHz, 3.4GHz IMC, 4x 256kB L2, 6MB L3) 25.50GOPS 8CU 3.39GHz47.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 14 December 2014
Anonymous Anonymous World World MSI GE70 2OC\2OD\2OE (MSI MS-1757) MSI GE70 2OC\2OD\2OE (MSI MS-1757) Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (4C 8T 3.2GHz/3.4GHz, 3.2GHz IMC/3.4GHz, 4x 256kB L2, 6MB L3) 23.83GOPS 8CU 3.19GHz47.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 2 December 2014
Haris kai Nadia Haris kai Nadia World World Lenovo 20BG001KSP ThinkPad W540 Lenovo 20BG001KSP ThinkPad W540 Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (4C 8T 3.39GHz, 3.4GHz IMC, 4x 256kB L2, 6MB L3) 14.95GOPS 8CU 3.39GHz47.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 10 January 2015
Anonymous Anonymous World World Notebook W35xSTQ_370ST Notebook W35xSTQ_370ST Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (4C 8T 3.29GHz, 3.3GHz IMC, 4x 256kB L2, 6MB L3) 26.07GOPS 8CU 3.29GHz58.8W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 16 July 2015
Anonymous Anonymous World World Lenovo 20238 IDEAPAD (Lenovo INVALID) Lenovo 20238 IDEAPAD (Lenovo INVALID) Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (4C 8T 3.39ГГц, 3.4ГГц IMC, 4x 256Кб L2, 6Мб L3) 20.14GOPS 8CU 3.39GHz58.8W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 23 February 2015
Anonymous Anonymous World World Lenovo 20BGCTO ThinkPad W540 Lenovo 20BGCTO ThinkPad W540 Intel Core i7-4700MQ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (4C 8T 3.39GHz, 3.4GHz IMC, 4x 256kB L2, 6MB L3) 20.59GOPS 8CU 3.39GHz47.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 7 January 2015
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