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Details for Component Intel Core i7-4510U
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Name Intel Core i7-4510U
Intel Intel
Average Speed 2.73GHz
Average Power 20.0W
Average Capacity 522CU
Best Price for Intel Core i7-4510U @ Amazon Best Price for Intel Core i7-4510U @ Amazon
Individual Results 5,502
Aggregated Results 87
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Aggregated Results
Local Rank Benchmark Component Average Score Average Capacity Average Speed Power State Platform Operating System Popularity
#379 (>39.33%) #379 (>39.33%) Processor Arithmetic Processor Arithmetic Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 42.41GOPS 4CU 3.09GHz25.0W Normal Virtualised Windows x64 10.0 15
#1,317 (>66.62%) #1,317 (>66.62%) Processor Multi-Media Processor Multi-Media Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 131.35Mpix/s 3CU 2.59GHz15.0W OverClocked : 29% Desktop Windows x64 2
#238 (>35.77%) #238 (>35.77%) .NET Arithmetic .NET Arithmetic Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 10.57GOPS 4CU 2.74GHz25.0W Normal Virtualised Windows x64 10.0 7
#75 (>59.56%) #75 (>59.56%) .NET Multi-Media .NET Multi-Media Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 21.49Mpix/s 3CU 3.04GHz25.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 17
#22 (>61.11%) #22 (>61.11%) Java Multi-Media Java Multi-Media Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 15.97Mpix/s 4CU 3.09GHz Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 2
#980 (>58.36%) #980 (>58.36%) Processor Inter-Thread Efficiency Processor Inter-Thread Efficiency Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 11.30GB/s 4.56MB 2.59GHz15.0W OverClocked : 29% Desktop Windows x64 2
#495 (>49.64%) #495 (>49.64%) Processor Cryptography (High Security) Processor Cryptography (High Security) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 2.89GB/s 4CU 2.59GHz25.0W Normal Virtualised Windows x64 15
#182 (>57.81%) #182 (>57.81%) Processor Power Management Efficiency (ALU) Processor Power Management Efficiency (ALU) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 6.35GIPS 4CU 2.59GHz35.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 33
#52 (>52.78%) #52 (>52.78%) Processor Power Management Efficiency (FPU) Processor Power Management Efficiency (FPU) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 6.20GFLOPS 4CU 2.73GHz25.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 3
#178 (>76.92%) #178 (>76.92%) Media (Audio/Video) Transcode (AVC/H.264) Media (Audio/Video) Transcode (AVC/H.264) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 1.84MB/s 4CU 2.94GHz25.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x86 2
#1,715 (>19.34%) #1,715 (>19.34%) GP (GPU) Processing GP (GPU) Processing Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 51.50Mpix/s 4CU 2.00GHz Normal Desktop Windows x64 10.0 3
#40 (>91.16%) #40 (>91.16%) Memory Transaction Throughput (Database Transactional) Memory Transaction Throughput (Database Transactional) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 7.76MTPS 4.56MB 3.09GHz15.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.3 2
#54 (>47.52%) #54 (>47.52%) Processor Financial Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) Processor Financial Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 7.31kOPTS 4CU 2.79GHz15.0W Normal Virtualised Windows x64 6.3 2
#1,593 (>52.21%) #1,593 (>52.21%) Processor Financial Analysis (High/Double Precision) Processor Financial Analysis (High/Double Precision) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 9.48kOPTS 3CU 2.59GHz15.0W OverClocked : 29% Desktop Windows x64 2
#110 (>83.53%) #110 (>83.53%) Processor Scientific Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) Processor Scientific Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 11.73GFLOPS 4CU 2.87GHz15.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 10.0 196
#1,247 (>62.33%) #1,247 (>62.33%) Processor Scientific Analysis (High/Double Precision) Processor Scientific Analysis (High/Double Precision) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 9.95GFLOPS 3CU 2.59GHz15.0W OverClocked : 29% Desktop Windows x64 2
#1,016 (>56.85%) #1,016 (>56.85%) Processor Image Processing (Normal/Single Precision) Processor Image Processing (Normal/Single Precision) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 73.43Mpix/s 3CU 2.59GHz15.0W OverClocked : 29% Desktop Windows x64 2
#954 (>55.70%) #954 (>55.70%) Overall Processor Score Overall Processor Score Intel Core i7-4510U Intel Core i7-4510U 1.34kPT 3CU 2.59GHz15.0W OverClocked : 29% Desktop Windows x64 2
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Individual Results
Benchmark User Team Computer/Device Result ID Score Capacity Speed Power State Platform Operating System Created
Processor Arithmetic Processor Arithmetic Anonymous Anonymous World World Acer Aspire E5-771G  (Acer EA70_HB) Acer Aspire E5-771G (Acer EA70_HB) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 2.8GHz/3.1GHz, 2.8GHz IMC/3.1GHz, 2x 256kB L2, 4MB L3) 44.79GOPS 4CU 2.80GHz25.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 17 January 2020
Processor Multi-Media Processor Multi-Media Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS X550LD ASUS X550LD Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 3.09GHz, 3.1GHz IMC, 2x 256kB L2, 4MB L3) 167.10Mpix/s 2CU 3.09GHz15.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 10 September 2022
.NET Arithmetic .NET Arithmetic jqmx jqmx World World Acer TMP455-MG SharkBay System (Acer BA51_HW) Acer TMP455-MG SharkBay System (Acer BA51_HW) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 3.09GHz, 3.1GHz IMC, 2x 256kB L2, 4MB L3) 13.55GOPS 4CU 3.09GHz25.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 7.0.1 18 October 2017
.NET Multi-Media .NET Multi-Media Anonymous Anonymous World World Lenovo 20351 IDEAPAD (Lenovo Lancer 5A2) Lenovo 20351 IDEAPAD (Lenovo Lancer 5A2) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 3.09GHz, 3.1GHz IMC, 2x 256kB L2, 4MB L3) 33.24Mpix/s 4CU 3.09GHz25.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 7 December 2016
Java Multi-Media Java Multi-Media Anonymous Anonymous World World Dell Inspiron 5748 (Dell 070Y1P) Dell Inspiron 5748 (Dell 070Y1P) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 3.09GHz, 3.1GHz IMC, 2x 256kB L2, 4MB L3) 16.02Mpix/s 4CU 3.09GHz Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 7 April 2018
Processor Inter-Thread Efficiency Processor Inter-Thread Efficiency Anonymous Anonymous World World Dell Inspiron 5547 00 (Dell 06X5CY) Dell Inspiron 5547 00 (Dell 06X5CY) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 3.09GHz, 3.1GHz IMC, 2x 256kB L2, 4MB L3) 13.53GB/s 4.56MB 3.09GHz15.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.3 13 March 2015
Processor Cryptography (High Security) Processor Cryptography (High Security) il il ASUS ASUS ASUS X751LN ASUS X751LN Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 3.1ГГц, 3.1ГГц IMC, 2x 256Кб L2, 4Мб L3) 3.32GB/s 4CU 3.10GHz15.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.3 9 February 2015
Processor Power Management Efficiency (ALU) Processor Power Management Efficiency (ALU) Anonymous Anonymous World World Dell Vostro 5470 Shark Bay ULT (Dell 0F7NWH) Dell Vostro 5470 Shark Bay ULT (Dell 0F7NWH) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 2.8GHz/3.1GHz, 2.8GHz IMC/3.1GHz, 2x 256kB L2, 4MB L3) 8.96GIPS 4CU 2.79GHz25.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 23 April 2019
Processor Power Management Efficiency (FPU) Processor Power Management Efficiency (FPU) Anonymous Anonymous World World Dell Inspiron 5447 00 (Dell 0H5YF0) Dell Inspiron 5447 00 (Dell 0H5YF0) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 2.8GHz/3.1GHz, 2.8GHz IMC/3.1GHz, 2x 256ko L2, 4Mo L3) 7.78GFLOPS 4CU 2.79GHz25.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 10.0 3 October 2015
Media (Audio/Video) Transcode (AVC/H.264) Media (Audio/Video) Transcode (AVC/H.264) Ahmed Fawal Ahmed Fawal World World ASUS X550LD ASUS X550LD Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 3.09GHz, 3.1GHz IMC, 2x 256kB L2, 4MB L3) (Microsoft H264 Video Decoder MFT > Intel® Quick Sync Video H.264 Encoder MFT, H264 Encoder MFT; Microsoft AAC Audio Decoder MFT > Microsoft AAC Audio Encoder MFT, 2.38MB/s 4CU 3.09GHz25.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6 November 2016
GP (GPU) Processing GP (GPU) Processing Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS X555LD ASUS X555LD Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (32SP 4C 2GHz, 256kB L2, 8GB) (OpenCL) 52.70Mpix/s 4CU 2.00GHz Normal Desktop Windows x64 6.3 23 December 2018
GP Global Data Cache/Memory Latencies (In-Page Random Access) GP Global Data Cache/Memory Latencies (In-Page Random Access) Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS TP300LD TP ASUS TP300LD TP Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (32SP 4C 2GHz, 256kB L2, 4GB) (OpenCL) 20.2ns 3.94GB Normal Desktop Windows x64 6.3 7 December 2015
Memory Transaction Throughput (Database Transactional) Memory Transaction Throughput (Database Transactional) Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS UX303LN UX ASUS UX303LN UX Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 3.09GHz, 3.1GHz IMC, 2x 256ko L2, 4Mo L3) (Logiciel (Lecture/Ecriture)) 7.76MTPS 4.56MB 3.09GHz15.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.3 31 December 2015
Memory Transaction Throughput (Record Update Only) Memory Transaction Throughput (Record Update Only) Anonymous Anonymous World World Toshiba SATELLITE L50-B INVALID (Type2 - Board Vendor Name1 Type2 - Board Product Name1) Toshiba SATELLITE L50-B INVALID (Type2 - Board Vendor Name1 Type2 - Board Product Name1) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 3.09GHz, 3.1GHz IMC, 2x 256kB L2, 4MB L3) (Hardware (HLE)) 4.53MTPS 4.56MB 3.09GHz15.0W Normal Desktop Windows x64 5 May 2020
Processor Financial Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) Processor Financial Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) Anonymous Anonymous World World Acer Aspire V3-572G SharkBay System (Acer EA50_HB) Acer Aspire V3-572G SharkBay System (Acer EA50_HB) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 3.09ГГц, 3.1ГГц IMC, 2x 256Кб L2, 4Мб L3) 17.29kOPTS 2CU 3.09GHz15.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 23 October 2022
Processor Financial Analysis (High/Double Precision) Processor Financial Analysis (High/Double Precision) Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS X555LN ASUS X555LN Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 3.09ГГц, 3.1ГГц IMC, 2x 256Кб L2, 4Мб L3) 10.99kOPTS 4CU 3.09GHz15.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 8.1 22 April 2020
Processor Scientific Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) Processor Scientific Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) Anonymous Anonymous World World Acer Aspire E5-771G  (Acer EA70_HB) Acer Aspire E5-771G (Acer EA70_HB) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 2.8GHz/3.1GHz, 2.8GHz IMC/3.1GHz, 2x 256kB L2, 4MB L3) 14.41GFLOPS 4CU 2.80GHz15.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 10.0 5 October 2015
Processor Scientific Analysis (High/Double Precision) Processor Scientific Analysis (High/Double Precision) Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS X555LD ASUS X555LD Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 3.09ГГц, 3.1ГГц IMC, 2x 256Кб L2, 4Мб L3) 12.62GFLOPS 2CU 3.09GHz15.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 11 February 2024
GP (GPU) Scientific Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) GP (GPU) Scientific Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS X555LD ASUS X555LD Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (32SP 4C 2GHz, 256kB L2, 8GB) (OpenCL) 2.43GFLOPS 4CU 2.00GHz Normal Desktop Windows x64 6.3 23 December 2018
Processor Image Processing (Normal/Single Precision) Processor Image Processing (Normal/Single Precision) Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS X555LN ASUS X555LN Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 3.09GHz, 3.1GHz IMC, 2x 256kB L2, 4MB L3) 84.55Mpix/s 4CU 3.09GHz25.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 8.1 9 December 2020
Overall Processor Score Overall Processor Score Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS X555LD ASUS X555LD Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 2.8ГГц, 2.8ГГц/3.1ГГц IMC, 2x 256Кб L2, 4Мб L3) 1.51kPT 2CU 2.79GHz15.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 12 February 2024
Processor Neural Networks (Normal/Single Precision) Processor Neural Networks (Normal/Single Precision) Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS X550LD ASUS X550LD Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 2.8GHz/3.1GHz, 2.8GHz IMC/3.1GHz, 2x 256kB L2, 4MB L3) 2.73samples/s 4CU 2.79GHz25.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 18 March 2020
Overall Software VM Score Overall Software VM Score Anonymous Anonymous World World HP Pavilion 15 Notebook PC 103C_5335KV G-N L-CON B-HP S-PAV X-Null (HP 2281) HP Pavilion 15 Notebook PC 103C_5335KV G-N L-CON B-HP S-PAV X-Null (HP 2281) Intel Core i7-4510U Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2C 4T 3.09ГГц, 3.1ГГц IMC, 2x 256Кб L2, 4Мб L3) 0.05kPT 0.00Mbps 3.09GHz15.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 24 August 2024
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