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Details for Component Intel Xeon X5450
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Name Intel Xeon X5450
Intel Intel
Average Speed 3.14GHz
Average Power 120.0W
Average Capacity 4CU
Best Price for Intel Xeon X5450 @ Amazon Best Price for Intel Xeon X5450 @ Amazon
Individual Results 9
Aggregated Results 3
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Aggregated Results
Local Rank Component Average Score Average Capacity Average Speed Power State Platform Operating System Popularity
#94 (>44.31%) #94 (>44.31%) Intel Xeon X5450 Intel Xeon X5450 7.14kOPTS 4CU 3.60GHz120.0W OverClocked : 20% Server/WorkStation Windows x64 3
#105 (>37.72%) #105 (>37.72%) Intel Xeon X5450 Intel Xeon X5450 5.74kOPTS 4CU 3.00GHz120.0W Normal Server/WorkStation Windows x64 10.0 3
#121 (>28.14%) #121 (>28.14%) Intel Xeon X5450 Intel Xeon X5450 3.95kOPTS 4CU 2.81GHz120.0W OverClocked Server/WorkStation Windows x86 10.0 10
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Individual Results
User Team Computer/Device Result ID Score Capacity Speed Power State Platform Operating System Created
Anonymous Anonymous World World Gigabyte EP45-DS3R Gigabyte EP45-DS3R Intel Xeon X5450 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5450 @ 3.00GHz (4C 3.6GHz/3GHz 20% OC, 2x 6MB L2) 7.69kOPTS 4CU 3.60GHz120.0W OverClocked : 20% Server/WorkStation Windows x64 20 October 2018
Anonymous Anonymous World World Gigabyte EP43-S3L Gigabyte EP43-S3L Intel Xeon X5450 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5450 @ 3.00GHz (4C 3.6ГГц/3ГГц 20% OC, 2x 6Мб L2) 4.91kOPTS 4CU 3.60GHz120.0W OverClocked : 20% Server/WorkStation Windows x86 6.1.1 8 August 2015
Anonymous Anonymous World World Asus P5Q Asus P5Q Intel Xeon X5450 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5450 @ 3.00GHz (4C 3.6GHz/3GHz 20% OC, 2x 6MB L2) 6.89kOPTS 4CU 3.60GHz120.0W OverClocked : 20% Server/WorkStation Windows x64 6.1.1 14 November 2015
lblpr lblpr ASUS ASUS ASUS P5N-D ASUS P5N-D Intel Xeon X5450 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5450 @ 3.00GHz (4C 3.6GHz/3GHz 20% OC, 2x 6MB L2) 6.83kOPTS 4CU 3.60GHz120.0W OverClocked : 20% Server/WorkStation Windows x64 10.0 8 May 2018
Anonymous Anonymous World World Gigabyte EP45-DS3L Gigabyte EP45-DS3L Intel Xeon X5450 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5450 @ 3.00GHz (4C 3GHz, 2x 6MB L2) 5.66kOPTS 4CU 3.00GHz120.0W Normal Server/WorkStation Windows x64 6.1.1 3 January 2015
IntelQuad IntelQuad World World ASUS P5QL PRO ASUS P5QL PRO Intel Xeon X5450 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5450 @ 3.00GHz (4C 3ГГц, 2x 6Мб L2) 5.79kOPTS 4CU 3.01GHz120.0W Normal Server/WorkStation Windows x64 6.1.1 25 January 2017
Kellerbar Kellerbar World World GigaByte 965P-DS4 GigaByte 965P-DS4 Intel Xeon X5450 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5450 @ 3.00GHz (4C 3GHz, 2x 6MB L2) 5.76kOPTS 4CU 3.00GHz120.0W Normal Server/WorkStation Windows x64 10.0 13 July 2016
Anonymous Anonymous World World Asus P5Q-PRO Asus P5Q-PRO Intel Xeon X5450 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5450 @ 3.00GHz (4C 2.44GHz/3GHz, 2x 6MB L2) 3.62kOPTS 4CU 2.44GHz120.0W OverClocked Server/WorkStation Windows x86 10.0 3 July 2016
Anonymous Anonymous World World Gigabyte EP43-S3L Gigabyte EP43-S3L Intel Xeon X5450 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5450 @ 3.00GHz (4C 2.4ГГц/3ГГц, 2x 6Мб L2) 3.32kOPTS 4CU 2.40GHz120.0W OverClocked Server/WorkStation Windows x86 6.1.1 8 August 2015
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