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Name Intel
Intel Intel
Average Speed 2.55GHz
Average Power 217.3W
Average Capacity 7CU
Best Price for Intel @ Amazon Best Price for Intel @ Amazon
Individual Results 467
Aggregated Results 36
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Aggregated Results
Local Rank Component Average Score Average Capacity Average Speed Power State Platform Operating System Popularity
#3,167 (>4.49%) #3,167 (>4.49%) Intel Intel 7.35GOPS 2CU 2.68GHz113.8W Normal Desktop Windows x86 3
#1,158 (>65.10%) #1,158 (>65.10%) Intel Intel 60.36GOPS 8CU 2.36GHz65.0W Normal Desktop Windows x86 6.1.1 12
#1,792 (>0.06%) #1,792 (>0.06%) Intel Intel 1.25GOPS 1CU 0.80GHz3.4W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x86 6.3 5
#2,429 (>26.76%) #2,429 (>26.76%) Intel Intel 20.37GOPS 1CU 2.98GHz174.0W Normal Desktop Windows x64 14
#2,696 (>18.70%) #2,696 (>18.70%) Intel Intel 16.32GOPS 2CU 2.54GHz210.0W Normal Desktop Windows x64 10.0 3
#1,240 (>62.62%) #1,240 (>62.62%) Intel Intel 55.14GOPS 4CU 2.43GHz500.0W Normal Desktop Windows x64 66
#990 (>70.17%) #990 (>70.17%) Intel Intel 73.83GOPS 6CU 2.47GHz156.0W Normal Desktop Windows x64 9
#766 (>76.92%) #766 (>76.92%) Intel Intel 94.74GOPS 8CU 2.84GHz500.0W Normal Desktop Windows x64 538
#471 (>85.82%) #471 (>85.82%) Intel Intel 155.32GOPS 10CU 2.80GHz162.0W Normal Desktop Windows x64 6
#484 (>85.43%) #484 (>85.43%) Intel Intel 147.78GOPS 11CU 3.37GHz300.0W Normal Desktop Windows x64 54
#501 (>84.92%) #501 (>84.92%) Intel Intel 140.71GOPS 14CU 2.13GHz174.0W Normal Desktop Windows x64 10.0 3
#378 (>88.63%) #378 (>88.63%) Intel Intel 192.94GOPS 15CU 3.19GHz250.0W Normal Desktop Windows x64 48
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Individual Results
User Team Computer/Device Result ID Score Capacity Speed Power State Platform Operating System Created
Anonymous Anonymous World World High Tech Computer Corp. Shift Intel LittleRiver High Tech Computer Corp. Shift Intel LittleRiver Intel Genuine Intel(R) processor 800MHz (800MHz, 512kB L2) 1.25GOPS 1CU 0.80GHz3.4W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x86 6.3 29 June 2015
Anonymous Anonymous World World Clevo W150HRM Clevo W150HRM Intel Genuine Intel(R) CPU 0 @ 2.20GHz (4C 8T 3.3GHz, 3.3GHz IMC, 4x 256kB L2, 8MB L3) 76.88GOPS 8CU 3.29GHz45.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 30 April 2015
Anonymous Anonymous World World Asus P6X58D-E Asus P6X58D-E Intel Genuine Intel(R) CPU 000 @ 3.07GHz (6C 12T 3.21GHz/3.35GHz, 2.68GHz IMC, 6x 256ko L2, 12Mo L3) 103.78GOPS 12CU 3.21GHz130.0W Normal Desktop Windows x64 6.1.1 19 March 2015
Selwi Selwi World World Sony VPCW21Z1E/W VAIO Sony VPCW21Z1E/W VAIO Intel Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 1.66GHz (2T 1.66GHz, 512kB L2) 2.81GOPS 2CU 1.66GHz9.5W Normal Desktop Windows x86 6.1 16 November 2014
Anonymous Anonymous World World ASRock X79 Extreme4 ASRock X79 Extreme4 Intel Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 3.30GHz (6C 12T 4GHz/5.7GHz, 4GHz IMC, 6x 256kB L2, 15MB L3) 168.61GOPS 12CU 4.00GHz130.0W Normal Desktop Windows x64 6.1.1 23 November 2014
Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS P8H61-I ASUS P8H61-I Intel Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz (4C 8T 2.2千兆赫(GHz)/2.6千兆赫(GHz), 2.2千兆赫(GHz) IMC, 4x 256千位元組(kB) L2, 8百萬位元組(MB) L3) 64.17GOPS 8CU 2.20GHz77.0W Normal Desktop Windows x64 6.1.1 3 December 2014
Anonymous Anonymous World World Intel CRESCENTBAY Intel CRESCENTBAY Intel Genuine Intel(R) CPU 0000 @ 1.60GHz (2C 4T 1.8GHz, 1.8GHz IMC, 2x 256kB L2, 4MB L3) 24.69GOPS 4CU 1.80GHz15.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.3 6 December 2014
Anonymous Anonymous World World VMware Virtual Platform (Intel 440BX Desktop Reference Platform) VMware Virtual Platform (Intel 440BX Desktop Reference Platform) Intel Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz (2.2GHz, 256kB L2, 20MB L3) 13.68GOPS 1CU 2.20GHz Normal Virtualised Windows x64 6.3 11 December 2014
Anonymous Anonymous World World Lenovo HuronRiver Platform HuronRiver System (Lenovo Emerald Lake) Lenovo HuronRiver Platform HuronRiver System (Lenovo Emerald Lake) Intel Genuine Intel(R) CPU 0 @ 2.20GHz (4C 8T 3.3ГГц, 3.3ГГц IMC, 4x 256Кб L2, 8Мб L3) 59.37GOPS 8CU 3.29GHz45.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 16 December 2014
Anonymous Anonymous World World Intel Shark Bay Client platform Shark Bay Client System (Intel Grays Reef) Intel Shark Bay Client platform Shark Bay Client System (Intel Grays Reef) Intel Genuine Intel(R) CPU 0000 @ 2.00GHz (4C 8T 2.5GHz, 2.5GHz IMC, 4x 256kB L2, 6MB L3, 1.2GHz 128MB L4) 64.53GOPS 8CU 2.49GHz57.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 20 July 2015
Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS P9X79 PRO ASUS P9X79 PRO Intel Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 2.30GHz (8C 16T 2.4千兆赫(GHz), 2.4千兆赫(GHz) IMC, 8x 256千字节(kB) L2, 20兆字节(MB) L3) 121.23GOPS 16CU 2.40GHz130.0W Normal Desktop Windows x64 6.1.1 20 December 2014
Anonymous Anonymous World World Intel Shark Bay Client platform Shark Bay Client System (Intel Grays Reef) Intel Shark Bay Client platform Shark Bay Client System (Intel Grays Reef) Intel Genuine Intel(R) CPU 0000 @ 2.00GHz (4C 8T 2.5GHz, 2.5GHz IMC, 4x 256kB L2, 6MB L3, 1.2GHz 128MB L4) 54.60GOPS 8CU 2.49GHz57.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x86 6.1.1 24 December 2014
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