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Details for Component nVidia GeForce GTX 950M
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Name nVidia GeForce GTX 950M
nVidia nVidia
Average Speed 1.25GHz
Average Power 75.0W
Average Capacity 834CU
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Individual Results 2,906
Aggregated Results 17
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Aggregated Results
Local Rank Benchmark Component Average Score Average Capacity Average Speed Power State Platform Operating System Popularity
#75 (>83.56%) #75 (>83.56%) Video Shader Compute Video Shader Compute NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M 209.46Mpix/s 640SP 0.97GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 21
#96 (>83.51%) #96 (>83.51%) Video Memory Bandwidth Video Memory Bandwidth NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M 14.52GB/s 3,475MB 2.30GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 12
#41 (>94.78%) #41 (>94.78%) Media (Audio/Video) Transcode (AVC/H.264) Media (Audio/Video) Transcode (AVC/H.264) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M 6.60MB/s 640CU 0.99GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 16
#131 (>79.62%) #131 (>79.62%) GP (GPU) Processing GP (GPU) Processing nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M 366.38Mpix/s 5CU 1.05GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 1,109
#136 (>81.09%) #136 (>81.09%) GP (GPU) Memory Bandwidth GP (GPU) Memory Bandwidth nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M 13.89GB/s 2,919MB 2.61GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 888
#144 (>75.97%) #144 (>75.97%) GP (GPU) Cryptography (High Security) GP (GPU) Cryptography (High Security) nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M 9.88GB/s 5CU 1.05GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 892
#40 (>94.02%) #40 (>94.02%) GP Global Data Cache/Memory Latencies (In-Page Random Access) GP Global Data Cache/Memory Latencies (In-Page Random Access) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M 206.5ns 3.24GB 75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 21
#79 (>86.71%) #79 (>86.71%) GP (GPU) Financial Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) GP (GPU) Financial Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M 423.54kOPTS 5CU 1.05GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 964
#19 (>59.09%) #19 (>59.09%) GP (GPU) Financial Analysis (High/Double Precision) GP (GPU) Financial Analysis (High/Double Precision) nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M 19.53kOPTS 5CU 1.03GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 4
#64 (>86.76%) #64 (>86.76%) GP (GPU) Scientific Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) GP (GPU) Scientific Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M 161.25GFLOPS 5CU 1.06GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 997
#17 (>76.47%) #17 (>76.47%) GP (GPU) Scientific Analysis (High/Double Precision) GP (GPU) Scientific Analysis (High/Double Precision) nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M 22.15GFLOPS 5CU 1.12GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 2
#71 (>77.85%) #71 (>77.85%) GP (GPU) Image Processing (Normal/Single Precision) GP (GPU) Image Processing (Normal/Single Precision) nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M 218.52Mpix/s 5CU 1.03GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 189
#48 (>74.87%) #48 (>74.87%) Overall Graphics Score Overall Graphics Score NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M 1.15kPT 640CU 0.99GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 9
#51 (>81.41%) #51 (>81.41%) Overall GP (GPU) Score Overall GP (GPU) Score nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M 2.65kPT 5CU 1.02GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 174
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Individual Results
Benchmark User Team Computer/Device Result ID Score Capacity Speed Power State Platform Operating System Created
Video Shader Compute Video Shader Compute Anonymous Anonymous World World Lenovo 80RU IDEAPAD (Lenovo ideapad 700-15ISK) Lenovo 80RU IDEAPAD (Lenovo ideapad 700-15ISK) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M (640S 5C SM5.0 992МГц/1.12ГГц, 4Гб 2ГГц, PCIe 3.0 x16) (D3D 10) 272.06Mpix/s 640SP 0.99GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 7.0.1 8 December 2024
Video Memory Bandwidth Video Memory Bandwidth Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS All Series ASUS MB (ASUS Z97-A) ASUS All Series ASUS MB (ASUS Z97-A) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M (5CU 640SP SM5.0 915MHz/1.14GHz, 2MB L2, 4GB 5GHz 128-bit, PCIe 3.00 x16) (D3D 11) 26.15GB/s 4,032MB 5.01GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.1.1 4 August 2016
Media (Audio/Video) Transcode (AVC/H.264) Media (Audio/Video) Transcode (AVC/H.264) Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS G11CD Desktop ASUS G11CD Desktop NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M (5CU 640SP SM5.0 992MHz/1.12GHz, 2Mo L2, 2Go 1.8GHz 128-bit, PCIe 3.00 x16) (Microsoft H264 Video Decoder MFT > NVIDIA H.264 Encoder MFT; Microsoft AAC Audio Decoder MFT > Microsoft AAC Audio Encoder MFT) 6.98MB/s 640CU 0.99GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 14 January 2017
GP (GPU) Processing GP (GPU) Processing Anonymous Anonymous World World MSI GP70 2QF (MSI MS-175A) MSI GP70 2QF (MSI MS-175A) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M (640S 5C SM5.0 1.12ГГц, 2Мб L2, 2Гб 2ГГц 128-бит) (CUDA) 669.00Mpix/s 5CU 1.12GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 3 June 2023
GP (GPU) Memory Bandwidth GP (GPU) Memory Bandwidth Anonymous Anonymous World World MSI GE62 6QL (MSI MS-16J5) MSI GE62 6QL (MSI MS-16J5) nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M (640SP 5C 928MHz, 2MB L2, 2GB 5GHz 128-bit) (CUDA) 26.63GB/s 2,048MB 5.01GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 18 February 2017
GP (GPU) Cryptography (High Security) GP (GPU) Cryptography (High Security) derajan derajan World World MONSTER ABRA A7 V5.2 MONSTER ABRA A7 V5.2 nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M (640SP 5C 1.12GHz, 2MB L2, 2GB 2GHz 128-bit) (CUDA) 12.44GB/s 5CU 1.12GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 10.0 30 December 2016
GP (GPU) Cryptography (Standard Security) GP (GPU) Cryptography (Standard Security) Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS GL552JX GL ASUS GL552JX GL nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M (640SP 5C 1.12GHz, 2MB L2, 4GB 1.8GHz 128-bit) (CUDA) 13.06GB/s 5CU 1.12GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 18 October 2016
GP Global Data Cache/Memory Latencies (In-Page Random Access) GP Global Data Cache/Memory Latencies (In-Page Random Access) Shivakanth Chary Puligilla Shivakanth Chary Puligilla World World Lenovo 80RU IDEAPAD (Lenovo ideapad 700-15ISK) Lenovo 80RU IDEAPAD (Lenovo ideapad 700-15ISK) nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M (640SP 5C 1.12GHz, 2MB L2, 4GB 2GHz 128-bit) (CUDA) 186.7ns 4.00GB 2.00GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 19 August 2016
GP (GPU) Financial Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) GP (GPU) Financial Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS G550JX ASUS G550JX nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M (640SP 5C 1.12GHz, 2MB L2, 4GB 2GHz 128-bit) (CUDA) 543.70kOPTS 5CU 1.12GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 18 October 2016
GP (GPU) Financial Analysis (High/Double Precision) GP (GPU) Financial Analysis (High/Double Precision) Anonymous Anonymous World World HP ENVY Notebook 103C_5335KV G-N L-CON B-HP (HP 8155) HP ENVY Notebook 103C_5335KV G-N L-CON B-HP (HP 8155) nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M (640SP 5C 1.12GHz, 2MB L2, 4GB 1.8GHz 128-bit) (CUDA) 21.62kOPTS 5CU 1.12GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 13 January 2016
GP (GPU) Scientific Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) GP (GPU) Scientific Analysis (Normal/Single Precision) Klaus-D. Schumacher Klaus-D. Schumacher World World HP ENVY All-in-One 103C_53311M HP Envy (HP 82F3) HP ENVY All-in-One 103C_53311M HP Envy (HP 82F3) nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M (640SP 5C 928MHz, 2MB L2, 4GB 5GHz 128-bit) (CUDA) 259.75GFLOPS 5CU 0.93GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 11 May 2017
GP (GPU) Scientific Analysis (High/Double Precision) GP (GPU) Scientific Analysis (High/Double Precision) Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS G550JX ASUS G550JX nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M (640SP 5C 1.12GHz, 2MB L2, 4GB 2GHz 128-bit) (CUDA) 23.08GFLOPS 5CU 1.12GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 6.3 2 November 2015
GP (GPU) Image Processing (Normal/Single Precision) GP (GPU) Image Processing (Normal/Single Precision) Anonymous Anonymous World World MEDION P7648 MD99980  (MEDION D17KHN) MEDION P7648 MD99980 (MEDION D17KHN) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M (4GB) (D3D 11) 544.55Mpix/s 75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 18 November 2017
Overall Graphics Score Overall Graphics Score Anonymous Anonymous World World ASUS N551JX ASUS N551JX NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M (640S 5C SM5.5 992MHz/1.12GHz, 2MB L2, 4GB 2GHz 128-bit, PCIe 3.0 x16) (D3D 11) 1.44kPT 640CU 0.99GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 19 December 2020
Overall GP (GPU) Score Overall GP (GPU) Score Anonymous Anonymous World World HP ENVY All-in-One 27-b1XX 103C_53311M HP Envy (HP 82F3) HP ENVY All-in-One 27-b1XX 103C_53311M HP Envy (HP 82F3) nVidia GeForce GTX 950M nVidia GeForce GTX 950M (640SP 5C 928MHz, 2MB L2, 4GB 5GHz 128-bit) (CUDA) 3.71kPT 5CU 0.93GHz75.0W Normal Laptop/Netbook Windows x64 18 August 2019
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